Thursday, April 13, 2023

Bitcoin live price added to BBCDSatoshi website

The live price of Bitcoin in USD and GBP has been added to the BBCDSatoshi website. You can see the live price of Bitcoin by clicking here or

Please note: These prices are from the CoinMarketCap.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Occam's razor = Bitcoin (the simplest solution is almost always the best)

Occam's razor = Bitcoin

Occam's razor, also known as the principle of parsimony, is a fundamental philosophical and scientific principle that suggests that when there are multiple explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest explanation is usually the best one. This principle has significant implications when applied to the world of technology, specifically to the concept of Bitcoin and blockchain.

Bitcoin is a digital asset and payment system that is based on a decentralized and trustless blockchain system. It allows for the creation and transfer of value without the need for intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions. This system has been designed to be secure, transparent, and decentralized, providing a means of value transfer that is not subject to the control or manipulation of any single entity or organization.

Applying Occam's razor to Bitcoin, we can see that the simplest explanation for the creation and transfer of value without the need for intermediaries is through the use of a decentralized and trustless blockchain system, rather than complex and centralized financial structures. This principle suggests that the design and implementation of the Bitcoin system were driven by the need to create a simple and efficient means of value transfer that is free from the constraints and inefficiencies of traditional financial institutions.

Moreover, Occam's razor can also be used to analyze the security and trustworthiness of the Bitcoin system. The principle suggests that the simplest explanation for a secure and trustworthy system is one that is designed to be transparent and decentralized, rather than one that relies on complex and opaque security measures. The blockchain system underlying Bitcoin is built on a network of nodes that are distributed around the world, each holding a copy of the blockchain ledger. This decentralization makes it difficult for any single entity or organization to manipulate the system, ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of the Bitcoin network.

Furthermore, the simplicity of the Bitcoin system makes it easier to understand and use, which has contributed to its widespread adoption and success. Occam's razor suggests that a simple and straightforward explanation is more likely to be understood and accepted than a complex and convoluted one. Bitcoin's design and implementation have been guided by this principle, resulting in a system that is easy to use and accessible to a wide range of users.

In conclusion, Occam's razor is a powerful principle that has significant implications when applied to the world of technology, specifically to the concept of Bitcoin and blockchain. The principle suggests that the simplest explanation for the creation and transfer of value without intermediaries is through the use of a decentralized and trustless blockchain system. This principle also suggests that the security and trustworthiness of the Bitcoin system are due to its transparent and decentralized design. Finally, the simplicity of the Bitcoin system has contributed to its widespread adoption and success.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Why should someone read the book Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin by Jason Paul Lowery?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to read the book Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin by Jason Paul Lowery.
First, the book provides a unique perspective on Bitcoin and its potential impact on the world. Lowery argues that Bitcoin is not just a new form of money, but also a new form of softwar, or "the ability to project power through the use of information and communication technologies." This is a novel and important perspective that is worth considering, especially for those who are interested in the future of Bitcoin and its potential impact on society.
Second, the book is well-written and engaging. Lowery does a good job of explaining complex concepts in a clear and concise way. He also provides a lot of historical and economic context, which helps to make the book more interesting and informative.
Third, the book is timely. Bitcoin is becoming increasingly popular and its potential impact on the world is becoming more and more clear. Lowery's book provides a valuable perspective on Bitcoin and its potential impact, which is worth considering for anyone who is interested in the future of Bitcoin.
Overall, Softwar is a well-written, engaging, and timely book that provides a unique perspective on Bitcoin and its potential impact on the world. It is a valuable read for anyone who is interested in Bitcoin, its potential impact, or the future of money and finance.
Softwar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin is a book by Jason Paul Lowery, an active-duty US Space Force astronautical engineer and US National Defense Fellow at MIT. In the book, Lowery argues that Bitcoin is not just a peer-to-peer cash system, but also (and more importantly) represents a new form of digital-age warfare that will transform national security, cyber security, and possibly even the base-layer architecture of the internet.
Lowery begins by providing a brief overview of the history of power projection in human society. He argues that power projection has always been about the ability to project physical power in, from, and through space. In the past, this has been done through the use of physical force, such as armies and navies. However, in the 21st century, Lowery argues that power projection will increasingly be done through the use of softwar, or "the ability to project power through the use of information and communication technologies."
Lowery then goes on to discuss how Bitcoin represents a new form of softwar. He argues that Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network that allows people to transact with each other without the need for a central authority. This makes Bitcoin ideal for use in situations where there is a high degree of distrust or uncertainty, such as in times of war or economic instability.
Lowery also argues that Bitcoin is a new form of money that is not subject to government control. This makes it attractive to people who are looking for an alternative to fiat currencies, which are often subject to inflation and devaluation.
Finally, Lowery argues that Bitcoin is a new form of asset that can be used to store value. This makes it attractive to people who are looking for a way to protect their wealth from inflation, political instability, and other risks.
In conclusion, Lowery argues that Bitcoin is a new form of softwar that has the potential to transform national security, cyber security, and possibly even the base-layer architecture of the internet. He argues that the US government needs to take Bitcoin seriously and develop policies to address the national security implications of Bitcoin.
(Note: The above was written by

Thursday, March 23, 2023

UK Home Prices Soar Over 13,000% Since 1950s, Outpacing Bitcoin's Growth

Wow, look at how the average price of a home in the UK has increased since 1950's... looks like a Bitcoin price chart!

The average price of homes in the United Kingdom has been on a steady rise since the 1950s. In 1952, the average price of a UK home was £2,006, which would equate to around £70,000 in today's money. 

By 2022, the average price of a UK home had risen to £265,668. This represents an increase of over 13,000% since the 1950s. 

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increase in UK home prices over the years. One of the most significant factors has been the growth of the UK economy. 

The average price of homes in the United Kingdom has been on a steady rise since the 1950s. In 1952, the average price of a UK home was £2,006, which would equate to around £70,000 in today's money. 

By 2022, the average price of a UK home had risen to £265,668. This represents an increase of over 13,000% since the 1950s. 

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the increase in UK home prices over the years. One of the most significant factors has been the growth of the UK economy. 

As the country has become wealthier, demand for housing has increased, pushing up prices. Another important factor has been the UK's population growth. More people in the UK means more demand for housing, which again leads to higher prices. 

In addition to these broader economic factors, there have also been a number of policy changes that have influenced UK home prices. For example, in the 1980s, the government introduced a policy of "right to buy" for council tenants, which allowed them to purchase their homes at a discounted rate. This policy led to a significant increase in the number of homeowners in the UK, and also contributed to rising home prices. 

More recently, changes to the UK's tax system have also had an impact on home prices. For example, in 2016, the government introduced a new stamp duty system, which increased the amount of tax payable on more expensive properties. This change has led to a slowdown in the growth of high-end property prices, while prices for more affordable homes have continued to rise. 

Overall, the trend towards higher home prices in the UK looks set to continue. While there may be occasional dips in prices due to economic or policy changes, the underlying demand for housing in the country remains strong. As such, those looking to buy a home in the UK should expect to pay a significant premium compared to prices in previous decades.

Free PDF copy of the book "Buy Bitcoin, You'll Thank Yourself In The Future"

As of 22nd March 2023, if you would like a free copy of the book "Buy Bitcoin, You'll Thank Yourself In The Future" in PDF format, please use the contact form on the contact page by clicking 

I will then send you your own free PDF copy to you

If you like the book, please feel free to send the PDF book to all your colleagues, friends and family. Of course, please buy the book too (if you wish) in ebook, kindle, paperback and hardcover version.

I would very much appreciate it if you write a simple review about the book. This could be on any of your social media you have (Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Nostr, LinkedIn,Twitter, Website).

Remember, please feel free to pass a copy of the book to any of your colleagues, friends or family.

If you like the book, please buy a kindle ebook, paperback or hardcopy from Amazon:

You can also buy ebooks from:

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Could Central Banks Secretly Buy Bitcoin? 5% for circa $30 Billion USD. Experts Weigh in on the Implications

If the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of England wanted to quietly and secretly buy 5% of of all Bitcoins that would only be approximately 1,000,000 (one million) Bitcoins. At today's price that would be circa $30 Billion US dollars. They print their own money, think about that!

Consider this scenario: If either the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of England were to discreetly purchase 5% of the total Bitcoin supply, which is approximately 1,000,000 Bitcoins, it would cost roughly $30 billion USD at current market prices. It's worth noting that these financial institutions have the ability to print their own currency, which is a crucial point to consider.

Suppose the US Federal Reserve or the Bank of England quietly and discreetly purchased 5% of the total Bitcoin supply, amounting to approximately 1,000,000 Bitcoins, at today's market price, which would be around $30 billion USD. This possibility has raised concerns and sparked debates among experts in the cryptocurrency industry. As Meltem Demirors, the Chief Strategy Officer at CoinShares, said in an interview with CNBC, "Central banks could start to acquire bitcoin...It's not out of the realm of possibility." However, she also highlighted the potential consequences of such a move, stating, "There would be knock-on effects across the financial system, on various industries, and on countries that have taken different approaches to digital assets." It is unclear if or when such a scenario may come to fruition, but it certainly warrants further consideration and analysis. 

(Please note, the above was rewritten as a test with... yes you guessed it ChatGPT 4)

Monday, March 20, 2023

Use Kraken OTC / Exchange if you want to buy safe and secure large Bitcoin purchases

Imagine you have $100,000 / $1,000,000 / $10,000,000 / $100,000,000 / $1,000,000,000 and you want to use this to buy Bitcoin. Where would you go? 

I recommend Kraken OTC for safe and secure large Bitcoin purchases:

Q: What is the Kraken OTC Desk? 

A: Kraken’s over-the-counter (OTC) desk offers a premium service that allows traders to execute orders off the open Kraken exchange. We offer deeper liquidity for tighter spreads as well as a more private, personalized service for institutional clients and high net-worth individuals needing to fill large orders. Kraken’s OTC desk provides execution and settlement services that are discreet, secure and ultra-competitive.

The OTC Portal is a self-service system that enables OTC clients to get executable, automated quotes for supported cryptoassets, including: Customized price charts based on your trading habits Position exposure information Recent transactions and OTC trading history RFQ access

Terms and eligibility Minimum order size is $100,000, however exceptions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis. Kraken OTC does not custody assets on behalf of trading counterparties. Eligibility for OTC trading is subject to AML/KYC and other requirements.


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Bitcoin Charts, Data & Graphs

Here are various charts, data and graphs about Bitcoin. 

If you have a suggested chart, graph or piece of data to be included let us know.

1. Long term power law:

2. LookIntoBitcoin: 

3. DecenTrader Bitcoin Investor Tool

4. Glassnode Studio

5. Clark Moody

6. Blockstream - Bitcoin Explorer

7. Mempool

Friday, March 17, 2023

Bitcoin Core on Github and Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs)

If you are doing your research and learning about Bitcoin, these links on GitHub will assist you:

The development of Bitcoin is managed by a group of developers who work on the Bitcoin Core software. This software is open source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development. The code for Bitcoin Core is available on the popular code hosting platform, GitHub. The GitHub repository for Bitcoin Core is located at 

The Bitcoin Core software is responsible for managing the Bitcoin network. It includes the software for the Bitcoin node, which is the software that allows users to participate in the network by sending and receiving transactions. The software also includes the Bitcoin wallet, which is the software that allows users to store and manage their Bitcoin. The development of Bitcoin Core is managed by a team of experienced developers. They work to improve the software, fix bugs, and implement new features. The development process for Bitcoin Core is very open, and anyone can contribute to the codebase. This means that the development of Bitcoin is a collaborative effort, with many people working together to improve the software. 

The GitHub repository for Bitcoin Core is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in the development of Bitcoin. It includes the source code for the software, as well as documentation and information on how to contribute to the project. The repository also includes a list of known issues and a roadmap for future development.

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) are design documents that propose changes or improvements to the Bitcoin protocol or its related components. BIPs are written by contributors to the Bitcoin community, such as developers, researchers, and other stakeholders, and are subject to peer review and feedback. BIPs are a way for the Bitcoin community to collaborate and make decisions on the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem in a transparent and inclusive manner. They serve as a standardized format for proposing changes and allow for community feedback and discussion before implementation. BIPs cover a wide range of topics, such as new transaction types, improvements to the Bitcoin scripting language, changes to the consensus rules, and new features for the Bitcoin network. Once a BIP has been accepted and implemented, it becomes part of the Bitcoin protocol, subject to the consensus rules that govern the network.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Now is the moment for Bitcoin to shine

  • Life is a great lesson, Bitcoin is made for this 💪
  • Explain in very simple terms to your friends and family, why Bitcoin is for saving.
  • This is the moment for Bitcoin to shine.
  • Now is a great example, where Bitcoin and the overall concept of Bitcoin doesn’t need to be “sold” to people. They will see the benefits of Bitcoin without having to be “sold” the idea and concept.
  • Businesses with lots of cash (e.g. $10 Million or more) should save 90% of their “money” in Bitcoin and withdraw only the amount of fiat/US Dollars needed for 3 months into a traditional bank.
  • Explain in very simple terms to your friends and family that banks use fractional reserve banking e.g. 1:10 or 1:100 it opens their mind. Bitcoin is made for this.
  • Businesses with lots of cash (e.g. $10 Million or more) should save 90% of their “money” in Bitcoin and withdraw only the amount of fiat/US Dollars needed for 3 months into a traditional bank.
  • The opposite of what governments say is often the real truth.
  • Life is a great lesson.
  • Bitcoin is made for this 💪.
  • This is the moment for Bitcoin to shine.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Will the 2024 Bitcoin Halving be a 'disappointment'?

I wouldn't be surprised if the 2024 Bitcoin halving becomes a massive 'disappointment' for those people with unrealistic high expectations.

Bitcoins will then flow towards large institutional investors who have lower time preferences. This will be from individual/retail investors and traders who will either fully or partially capitulate, by selling their Bitcoins on the open market. Fidelity, BlackRock, et al will scoop up the fire sale Bitcoins and add to their ever growing inventory.

The Bitcoin halving in 2028 and 2032 will be the halvings to watch. FOMO and FOLO (Fear Of Losing Out) will again be the watch words.

Remember, Bitcoin tends to do the opposite of what you expect.

I guess there is a 50% chance I'm either right or wrong...

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Nostr public key for BBCD Satoshi

You can now find me on Nostr. I've joined the herd!

Time will tell if it is a flash in the pan or a winner. I think it will be a winner if it is somehow integrated with Twitter in some form or another, or Elon Musk uses the protocol for his vision of an everything app.

The public key for BBCD Satoshi is:
  • Nostr, stands for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays,” doesn't rely on a central server, nor is it a peer-to-peer architecture. 
  • In its most fundamental form, it allows people to exchange signed messages. 
  • It does so through a network of relays, which are servers anyone can sign up to run.
  • Nostr is a simple, open protocol that enables global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media.
  • Understanding keys... Each Nostr account is based on a public/private key pair. 
    • A simple way to think about this is that your public key is your username and your private key is your password, with one major caveat. 
    • Unlike a password, your private key cannot be reset if lost. 
    • The public key is generally presented as a string with the prefix npub1 and the private key with the prefix nsec1. 
    • Make sure you store you private key somewhere safe, like a password manager.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Is there a salary or wage effect on the price of Bitcoin?

A few questions and thoughts about a salary or wage effect on the price of Bitcoin?...
  1. With people choosing to be paid their salary and wages in Bitcoin, is there a notable effect on the price of Bitcoin? This means someone who is paid in Bitcoin may then choose to sell that Bitcoin or parts into fiat currency.
  2. If there is an effect, will this become stronger and more notable overtime as Bitcoin adoption increases?
  3. If x number of people are being paid in Bitcoin, does this mean there is a spike in Bitcoins being purchased for salary and wages to be paid by companies?
  4. If x number of people are being paid in Bitcoin, how many of those people either save/HODL their Bitcoin or decide to sell their Bitcoin into fiat money?
  5. Can these buying and selling periods be correlated at certain times of each month, e.g beginning, middle of end of the months to co-inside when people are paid and consequently cash out?
  6. Can AI such as OpenAI ChatGPT spot any correlations for a salary or wage effect on the price of Bitcoin?

Monday, February 6, 2023

Interview with BBCD Satoshi about the book “Buy Bitcoin, You’ll Thank Yourself In The Future”

Interview with BBCD Satoshi about the book “Buy Bitcoin, You’ll Thank Yourself In The Future

Why did you write the book?

  • “The purpose of writing the book, and also setting up the accompanying website is to show and give confidence to someone looking to dip their toes into buying and or holding (hodling) Bitcoin.” 

  • “At a basic level, I wanted to impart the small amount of knowledge I had learned about Bitcoin which took me several years of reading and discovery. With the knowledge just in my head, that would be no good when I am no longer here! I was diagnosed with a type of cancer in 2022, and that was a wake up call to me. So, the idea of writing the book was a way of imparting knowledge in a non ephemeral, long lasting way. Maybe one day my son will read the book and either laugh or cry out of hope or despair.”

  • “The other purpose was to help guide and sort the wheat from the chaff. This is to focus on quality products and services, rather than fly by night untrustworthy businesses. Another way of saying that would be to help people focus on the signal rather than the noise.”

  • “Everything in the book is focused on Bitcoin, and I make a clear distinction between the meaning of Bitcoin versus Crypto. There is only one true cryptocurrency and that is Bitcoin. All other cryptocurrencies are known as crypto and they are not Bitcoin, in my opinion.”

Who is the book aimed at?

  • “The book is aimed at someone with no knowledge of Bitcoin or someone with a little knowledge." 

  • "It is also aimed at someone that is interested and curious how Bitcoin could be an investment for the long term. Someone looking for a catalyst or a primer to help them on their journey of learning about Bitcoin."

  • "Holding onto a volatile asset for 10 years is not easy. The book aims to focus on someone looking to have a plan and strategy to hold on to Bitcoin for 10 years, if not 20 years. As an example the Log Time Log Price model created by Harold Christopher Burger gets a thorough mention in the new book which is a fascinating graph/chart to look at when looking at Bitcoin on a long term perspective.”

What is the purpose of the book?

  • “This comes back to the first question. The purpose of the book is to impart a few years of non programming, general Bitcoin knowledge to the reader, which can potentially give confidence to someone looking to buy and hold Bitcoin. It took me about 12 months to gain confidence before I eventually bought Bitcoin. The learning curve is steep.”

  • “The issue with Bitcoin and buying some is trust. How can you trust the place or business where you are buying Bitcoin? This is central, because people have worked hard for their money and to just buy Bitcoin from an entity they have potentially never done business with is a risk. Especially when the item they are buying exists only within the digital realm, i.e something they can’t physically hold. Of course, the way that this can be held is with a physical hardware wallet, and your seed phrase either written down on paper or inscribed into metal. Getting back to trust, this is very important. We are starting to see some major household brands enter into the realm of Bitcoin. This is very important to give someone the confidence to invest. The two names that spring to mind are Fidelity and PayPal. The point I am making is that until major household brands enter and stay in the Bitcoin and Digital Asset space, trust will be in short supply.”

  • Trust can also be for the reader. How can the reader trust themselves that they will stick to their plan/strategy? How can they trust that they will keep their private key secure? How can they trust they won’t lose their seed/recovery phrase?”

  • “In summary, I’d say that the purpose of the book is to help someone do their own research and find answers to their questions before buying Bitcoin. Ultimately to give them confidence to dip their toes into buying and or holding (hodling) Bitcoin. All with the caveat that one day, all their investment for whatever reason may have gone or disappeared.”

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Book now available ("Buy Bitcoin, You'll Thank Yourself In The Future")

I wrote a simple book about Bitcoin... with the purpose to show and give confidence to someone looking to dip their toes into buying and or holding (hodling) Bitcoin. It's called "Buy Bitcoin, You'll Thank Yourself In The Future".

Monday, November 14, 2022

New book

I'm in the process of writing and publishing a new book. More details to follow in the next few weeks and months. As always, lots of interesting and dynamic things happening.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Gotta love Bitcoin memes and humour - CRAB-17 STAGE II (Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoff)

Memes and humour always tell a small truth. This is especially true in any field of interest, the community and sub culture. This holds true for Bitcoin. 

Gotta love this one from the content producer Bizonacci on YouTube. This video is deftly edited and contains a possible grain of truth in the area of manipulation and human psychology pertaining to the markets, notably Bitcoin. Brilliant video, enjoy.

Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoff. CRAB-17 STAGE II

Thursday, June 30, 2022

End of Q2 2022 - wow!

Well that was a rocky Q2 2022! Wonder what we have coming for Q3...?

There is literally too much to talk about, thus I feel there is no place or need to discuss at length until next year on January 2023.

If things get rocky, zoom out and remember why you are focused on Bitcoin:

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Annual Review (Rather Than Quarterly Review)

I've decided to do "Annual Reviews", rather than "Quarterly Reviews" (for the time being).

The Quarterly Reviews were taking up too much time and felt too zoomed in (micro), rather than taking a more zoomed out (macro) approach. 

There is too much happening in the world economically, financially, politically and also within the Bitcoin world and wider cryptocurrency industry to focus on a quarterly basis. Things were too noisy. Hopefully by keeping to an annual cadence there will be more signal amongst the noise.

Here is the first annual review for 2021:

Friday, April 29, 2022

Contrarian View and Opinions for Bitcoin (from The Financial Times)

Contrarian Views and Opinions for Bitcoin from The Financial Times

It's always good to have health skepticism. Listen to both sides of the story and opinions. This is especially true for Bitcoin.

Jemima Kelly from the Financial Times has written an article which I recommend reading:

The best part of the article is reading the comments section:

As taken from the website: "Jemima writes for FT Alphaville. She was previously a reporter at Reuters, where she mainly wrote about the foreign exchange market, cryptocurrencies and fintech. She has also written for The Economist."

Twitter / X List: Started a simple list of people to follow, focused on the "Bitcoin Log-Log Power Law"

Bitcoin Log-Log Power Law  Resources, information and ideas based on the Bitcoin Log-Log Power Law