Showing posts with label FED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FED. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Now is the moment for Bitcoin to shine

  • Life is a great lesson, Bitcoin is made for this 💪
  • Explain in very simple terms to your friends and family, why Bitcoin is for saving.
  • This is the moment for Bitcoin to shine.
  • Now is a great example, where Bitcoin and the overall concept of Bitcoin doesn’t need to be “sold” to people. They will see the benefits of Bitcoin without having to be “sold” the idea and concept.
  • Businesses with lots of cash (e.g. $10 Million or more) should save 90% of their “money” in Bitcoin and withdraw only the amount of fiat/US Dollars needed for 3 months into a traditional bank.
  • Explain in very simple terms to your friends and family that banks use fractional reserve banking e.g. 1:10 or 1:100 it opens their mind. Bitcoin is made for this.
  • Businesses with lots of cash (e.g. $10 Million or more) should save 90% of their “money” in Bitcoin and withdraw only the amount of fiat/US Dollars needed for 3 months into a traditional bank.
  • The opposite of what governments say is often the real truth.
  • Life is a great lesson.
  • Bitcoin is made for this 💪.
  • This is the moment for Bitcoin to shine.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Quote of the decade from the BBC...

"This time, analysts think what's happening is caused by an issue with money supply."

Any date from 2009 to 2051 Bitcoin Price (Log/Log) Power Law Growth Corridor

Bitcoin Price Growth Corridor Log/Log Power Law Inspired by 1) Giovanni's BTC_POWER_LAW @Giovann3508411 2) Harold Burger @hcburger1 Date...