
Here you'll find a collection of resources for learning about Bitcoin.

There are various types of media and subtypes. Explore each of these resources and you will have a very good understanding of Bitcoin.

If you have any more suggestions to add to this list, please send me a message.

I highly recommend checking out:

Jameson Lopp's website

#MediaSub TypeResource TitleLink
1YoutubeIntroductionIntroduction to Bitcoin
2YoutubeAndreas Antonopoulos YoutubeAndreas Antonopoulos YouTube channel
3YoutubeDocumentaryBanking on Bitcoin
4YoutubeStarting How it worksThe Value of Blockchains
5YoutubeStarting How it worksHow Bitcoin Works (non technical) (5 min video)
6YoutubeStarting How it worksHow Bitcoin Works (a bit technical)
7YoutubeStarting How it worksHow Bitcoin Works (very technical)
8YoutubeStarting How it worksHow Bitcoin Works Under the Hood
9YoutubeStarting How it worksBitcoin 101
10YoutubeStarting How it worksBitcoin for Beginners
11YoutubeStarting How it worksThe Trust Machine: The Story of Bitcoin
12YoutubeThe Bitcoin WhitepaperThe Bitcoin Whitepaper read out loud
13YoutubeSecurityBitcoin Security & Storage 101
14YoutubeCold StorageIntro to Paper Wallets & Cold Storage
15YoutubeOnline ClassesBitcoin & Cryptocurrency Technologies
16YoutubeDocumentaryBitcoin: Beyond the Bubble
17YoutubeDocumentaryLife Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine
18YoutubeDocumentaryThe Rise and Rise of Bitcoin
19YoutubeDocumentaryThe Trust Machine
20WebsiteSite for Bitcoin CoreBitcoin [dot] org
21WebsiteEducationBitcoin Intro
22WebsiteEducationThe Bitcoin Exam
23WebsiteHardware WalletLedger
24WebsiteHardware WalletTrezor
25WebsiteStarting First StepsBasic Facts You Need to Know
26WebsiteStarting First StepsFrequently Asked Questions
27WebsiteStarting First StepsDon't Invest Recklessly
28WebsiteStarting How it worksExplain Bitcoin Like I'm Five
29WebsiteStarting How it worksBitcoin Explained
30WebsiteStarting How it worksHello Bitcoin
31WebsiteStarting How it works10 Days of Bitcoin
32WebsiteStarting How it worksBeginner's Guide to Bitcoin by CoinDesk
33WebsiteWritingsComplete Writings of Satoshi Nakamoto
34WebsiteNarrativesHistory of Narratives
35WebsiteObituariesPremature Obituaries
36WebsiteNews SitesBitcoin Magazine
37WebsiteNews SitesCoindesk
38WebsiteNews SitesThe Block
39WebsiteNews SitesDecrypt
40WebsiteDiscussionBitcoin Beginners Subreddit
41WebsiteDiscussionBitcoin Subreddit
42WebsiteDiscussionBitcoin Talk Forum
43WebsiteMetrics and StatisticsBitInfoCharts
44WebsiteMetrics and StatisticsBlockchain Charts
45WebsiteMetrics and StatisticsGlassnode Studio
46WebsiteBlock ExplorerBlockstream
47WebsiteBlock ExplorerBlockCypher
48WebsiteBlock ExplorerMempool.space
49WebsiteVisualisations RealtimeBitfeed - Blocks & Transactions
50WebsiteVisualisations NodesLive Node Geographic Map
51WebsiteMining InformationMining pool hashrate distribution
52WebsiteMining InformationAll about mining
53WebsiteMining InformationMining Hardware Profitability Calculator
54WebsiteMining InformationBraiins Mining Insights
55WebsiteMining InformationCoinshares Beware of Lazy Research
56WebsiteMining InformationCambridge Bitcoin Mining Map
57WebsiteMining InformationClean Energy Future
58WebsiteTechnical ResourcesBitcoin Developer Guide
59WebsiteTechnical ResourcesBitcoin Stack Exchange
60WebsiteTechnical ResourcesThe Bitcoin Wiki
61WebsiteAcademic researchMIT Cryptocurrency Research
62WebsiteSecuritySecure Your Wallet (from Bitcoin [dot] com)
63WebsiteCold StorageGlacier Protocol
64WebsitePrivacyBitcoin Wiki Article
65WebsitePrivacyBlockstream Satellite
66WebsitePrivacyWhy Privacy Matters
67WebsitePrivacyPrivacy Tools Directory
68WebsiteEconomicsMIT Cryptoeconomics Lab
69WebsiteEconomicsMoney Supply Comparison
70WebsiteEconomicsStore of Time
71WebsiteEconomicsNever Look Back Price & Power Law Corridor
72WebsiteMemesBitcoin Meme Hub
73WebsiteMemesBitcoin Rollercoaster Guy
75WebsiteOnline ClassesBlockchain & Money MIT
76WebsiteOnline ClassesBitcoin Programming 101
77WebsiteOnline ClassesBlockchain at Berkeley
78WebsiteOffline course21 Lectures
79WebsiteKnowledge testThe Bitcoin Exam
80WebsiteKnowledge testCryptocurrency Certification Consortium
81WebsiteInvesting DCADollar Cost Averaging Bitcoin
82WebsiteExchange DataCoin Market Caps
83WebsiteExchange DataCryptowatch
84WebsiteTax AccountingAccointing
85WebsiteTax AccountingCoinTracker
86WebsiteTax AccountingLukkaTax
87WebsiteTax AccountingZenLedger
88WebsiteJob postingsPomp Crypto Jobs
89WebsiteJob postingsCrypto Jobs
90WebsiteJob postingsCrypto Jobs List
91WebsiteJob postingsCryptocurrency Jobs
92WebsiteVenture CapitalCastle Island Ventures
93WebsiteVenture CapitalHivemind Ventures
94WebsiteRegulationsCoin Center
95WebsiteRegulationsStanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy
96WebsiteRegulationsLegality of Bitcoin by country
97WebsiteBitcoin ResourcesBitcoin Rabbit Hole
98WebsiteBitcoin ResourcesGigi's Bitcoin Resources
99WebsiteNotaryProof of Existence
100WebsiteMessage SearchBlock Chair
101VimeoDocumentariesBanking on Bitcoin
102TwitterAndreas Antonopoulos TwitterFollow Andreas
103TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowNic Carter
104TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowDan Held
105TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowJimmy Song
106TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowMeltem Demirors
107TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowTuur Demeester
108TwitterGood Twitter Account to FollowPierre Rochard
109Starting outStarting How it worksCrypto Assets Guide for Investment Professionals
110Starting outThe Bitcoin WhitepaperBitcoin Whitepaper
111Starting outThe Bitcoin WhitepaperThe Bitcoin Whitepaper with annotationsClick here
112Starting outBeing criticalAddressing Bitcoin Criticisms
113Starting outBeing criticalSquare Crypto's Book of Bitcoin Mythology
114Starting outBeing criticalBitcoin Can't be Copied
115Starting outBeing criticalBitcoin's Distribution Was Fair
116Starting outBeing criticalBitcoin Supply Can't be Changed
117Starting outBeing criticalIn Defense of Energy Consumption
118Starting outBeing criticalQuantum Computing Won't Break Bitcoin
119Starting outBeing criticalWhy Blockchain is Hard
120Starting outBeing criticalWhy it's Hard to "Get" Bitcoin
121Starting outBeing criticalWhy Bitcoin Matters
122Starting outBeing criticalWhy Bitcoin is Different
123Starting outBeing criticalBitcoin is Worse is Better
124Starting outRunning a nodeHow to Run a Full Node
125Starting outStarting Running a nodeRaspberry Pi Node Guide
126Starting outStarting Running a nodeRaspiBolt Guide
127Starting outStarting Running a nodeumbrel
128PodcastsPodcastsNoded Podcast
129PodcastsPodcastsStephan Livera Podcast
130PodcastsPodcastsOff Chain
131PodcastsPodcastsBitcoin Knowledge
132PodcastsPodcastsThe Cryptoconomy
133PodcastsPodcastsThe Bitcoin Game
134PodcastsPodcastsBitcoin and Markets
135PodcastsPodcastsThe Bitcoin News Show
136PodcastsPodcastsBitcoin & Co Podcast
137PodcastsPodcastsCrypto Bobby
139Email NewslettersEmail NewslettersMarty Bent’s Newsletter
140Email NewslettersEmail NewslettersOff The Chain
141Email NewslettersEmail NewslettersThe Block
142EducationMetricsClark Moody Dashboard
143EducationMainBitcoin [dot]
144AmazonBookCryptonomicon, by Neal Stephenson
145AmazonBookDigital Gold, by Nathanial Popper
146AmazonBookThe Internet of Money, by Andreas Antonopoulos
147AmazonBookThe Bitcoin Standard, by Saifedean Ammous
148AmazonBookDebt: The First 5,000 Years, by David Graeber
149AmazonBookMastering Bitcoin, by Andreas Antonopoulos
150AmazonBookThe Sovereign Individual, by James Dale Davidson
151AmazonBookBitcoin Billionaires, by Ben Mezrich
152AmazonBookThe Book of Satoshi, by Phil Champagne
153AmazonBookCrypto, by Steven Levy
154AmazonBookProgramming Bitcoin, Jimmy Song
155AmazonBookThe Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford
156AmazonBookHistory Mathematics 3e, by Carl B. Boyer
157AmazonBookThe Rise of the Computer State: The Threat to Our Freedoms, Our Ethics and our Democratic Process, by David Burnham
158AmazonBookGRAMMATICAL MAN: Information, Entropy,Language and Life, by Jeremy Campbell
159AmazonBookCryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society, by Kenneth W. Dam
160AmazonBookCryptography and Data Security, by Dorothy Elizabeth Robling Denning
161AmazonBookPrivacy on the Line: Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, by Whitfield Diffie
162AmazonBookCracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, by Electronic Foundation
163AmazonBookCryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution, by Helen Fouche Gaines
164AmazonBookFrom Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers, by Martin Gardner
165AmazonBookPGP: Pretty Good Privacy, by Simson Garfinkel
166AmazonBookCyber Rights: Defending Free Speech in the Digital Age, by Mike Godwin
167AmazonBookAlan Turing: The Enigma, by Andrew Hodges
168AmazonBookBuilding in Big Brother: The Cryptographic Policy Debate, by Lance J. Hoffman
169AmazonBookThe Codebreakers, by David Kahn
170AmazonBookOut Of Control: The New Biology Of Machines, Social Systems, And The Economic World, by Kevin Kelly
171AmazonBookCode: and Other Laws of Cyberspace, by Lawrence Lessig
172AmazonBookHackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, by Steven Levy
173AmazonBookHigh Noon on the Electronic Frontier: Conceptual Issues in Cyberspace, by Peter Ludlow
174AmazonBookApplied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, by Bruce Schneier
175AmazonBookThe Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and Code-breaking, by Simon Singh
176AmazonBookThe Hacker Crackdown, by Bruce Sterling
177AmazonBookBitcoin, The Future of Money?, by Dominic Frisby

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Bitcoin Power Law Code for TradingView (Pine Editor Pinescript) by @apsk32

Step 1:  Copy/paste this code into the Pine Editor window and click save. // @version =6 indicator("Power Law", overlay=true) // ...