Showing posts with label obituary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obituary. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bitcoin will be regulated to death

Bitcoin will be regulated to death. How?
Bitcoin exchanges will be unable to on-ramp fiat customers due to a ban by the banking industry.
The banking industry will be regulated and ordered to not allow fiat transactions to or from exchanges.
With exchanges barred from fiat banking, the price of Bitcoin will plummet and holders (hodlers) will sell.
Bitcoin will become worthless and will die. This is what exchanges and their executives fear the most.

Any date from 2009 to 2051 Bitcoin Price (Log/Log) Power Law Growth Corridor

Bitcoin Price Growth Corridor Log/Log Power Law Inspired by 1) Giovanni's BTC_POWER_LAW @Giovann3508411 2) Harold Burger @hcburger1 Date...