Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSA. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Could Satoshi Nakamoto be...

There are many theories. Is it one person? Is it a group of people?

Here are the top names that people believe could be Satoshi Nakamoto:

Hal Finney
Many people believe that Hal Finney, the first person to receive a bitcoin transaction, was actually Satoshi Nakamoto. If so, the mystery of the founder’s identity may never be solved, as Finney passed away in 2014 from ALS.

A Russian or Chinese agent
The Obama administration was concerned that Satoshi was an agent of Russia or China — that Bitcoin might be weaponized against us in the future. Knowing the source would help the administration understand their motives.

A group named CIA Project claims that bitcoin is a creation of the CIA or NSA. While the group provided “evidence,” such as stating the name, Satoshi Nakamoto, roughly translates to “Central Intelligence” in Japanese, their perspective is considered to be no more than a conspiracy theory.

Nick Szabo
A reclusive American, deeply involved in the bitcoin project, released a blog expressing interest in the technology before Bitcoin’s release, but later reposted it to alter the publishing date. After the blog post about bit gold was determined to be from before bitcoins release, researchers at Aston University compared his writing style to Satoshi Nakamoto’s. According to Jack Grieve, a lecturer who led the project effort, the similarities were “uncanny.”

A Group of Companies
Some bitcoin users have suggested (jokingly) that Satoshi Nakamoto could actually be a group of four Asian technology companies: Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi, and Motorola. The name can be created by taking the “sa” from Samsung, “toshi” from Toshiba, “naka” from Nakamichi, and “moto” from Motorola.

Bitcoin Power Law Code for TradingView (Pine Editor Pinescript) by @apsk32

Step 1:  Copy/paste this code into the Pine Editor window and click save. // @version =6 indicator("Power Law", overlay=true) // ...